Thursday, November 12, 2009

I've Got A Funny Story for You

So, back to the job hunting stories I have been telling. I have a particularly funny one for you. It was while we were at the mall. You never know who you might run into there. Well, anyways, me and my mom were on our way out, and we see the Santa's pictures being set up. We were goofing around by saying I should become an elf and work as Santa's little helper. I think that would actaully be a pretty cool job. But right acroos the way from that is the ice cream shop in the mall. The ice cream is really good there so I thought that would be a perfect place to work.
Well now I am going to leave this story and come back to it later. There is another story that goes along with this. And you must know both in order to laugh in the end. So when my mom's office first opened, therewas this one janitor that never seemed to know what to do. She spoke very little English, and it was her custom to never throw ANYTHING away, even stuff in our trash cans. So she was getting to be a little bit of a nusance, you can only hold so much. They gave her time and tips here and there. But, eventually, they had to let her go. She wasn't happy about it, but she wasn't exact;y mad about it. Just a little annoyed because she wanted another chance.
Well, now to tie the two stories together...
We started to walk by the ice cream store and my my started to say, " Hey, how about working at Scoops, it looks...." and that was it. She just cut off, and when I realized it I looked over to see what it was. There was that same lady they had fired manning the place all by herself. She was on the phone, but I am preety sure she looked up and saw us. So, then I asked, "Isn;t that the lady---" My mom has cut me off again. All I got was a "Shutup" and we kept walking. Once we were far enough away we talked about how funny it was and started laughing.

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