Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

In a recent poll, when asked what people would rather say, the outcome was obvious:
'Holiday' is better
1% (52 votes)
'Christmas' is better
75% (4053 votes)
Both are fine
23% (1242 votes)
I don't use either
1% (34 votes)

Then, in a recent article, by Mike Straka from Fox News, he talked about everyone having such a controversy over this subject, the states that Jesus wouldn’t care what people say.

My head is spinning over this "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays" controversy, so I've begun to ask myself, what would Jesus do?
And I've come to my own conclusion. I don't think Jesus Christ would be worried about whether or not Wal-Mart or Kohl's or Macy's is spelling the Dec. 25 holiday "
Christmas" or "Xmas."
I mean, seriously, even His most faithful disciple denied Him three times after The Last Supper, so you'd think He'd be kind of immune to U.S. retail outlets denying His name as well.
More than likely — and this is my Grrr! — Jesus wouldn't care about Xmas.
I don't think He'd care about the whole "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy
Holidays" ridiculousness year in and year out, and He'd probably be aware that X is the first letter in the Greek word for "Christos." X has been used for thousands of years to abbreviate "Christ." Believe it or not, Wal-Mart didn't invent the term "Xmas."
By Mike Straka

I believe Jesus would care. If people are taking the reason for the season out of the season, they are taking the Christ out of Christmas.

I was reading some articles about this subject recently, and decided to go through the comments to see what people had to say about the topic.
One comment that really stood out to me was:

Doesn't matter what you call it, it's a different holiday for every culture anyway. It's just annoying that the christians think their fairytale baby needs to dominate it all, while it's just another myth of ignorant superstition.
The writer of this comment made of few mistakes: 1) He didn’t capitalize Christians 2) Called it a fairytale 3) Called us ignorant.
Just because we believe in a certain faith doesn’t mean we are wrong. Someone else could prove to be right in the end, but I choose my beliefs, and that is not for others to choose for me. I cam see how some people feel weir and think we are shoving it in their face, but it’s everyone’s own choice.

And the controversy over which saying is more politically correct, that is a fight just waiting to happen. Christians should be able to tell their friend Merry Christmas. And many retailers say that the Happy Holidays saying is so they can bundle all the holidays into one card, but I’m not buying it. Some are taking the reason for the season, out of the season, many times so people will buy the products.

I will always continue to say Merry Christmas!!!! SO… Merry Christmas!

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