Thursday, October 29, 2009

A New Perspective

Our class was asked to make a few projects for the book we are reading. My projects took me all Fall Break to complete, but it was well worth it. One option was to make props pertaining to the book, make them or buy them, and write about them.

EVERYBODY did props then are IN the book. Well, me, not ever doing the right thing, decided to take it to next level. I made projects that symbolize something in the book. All morning poeple have been telling me that is wrong. The paper never stated which to do, and it is a prop, but it is a SYMBOLIC prop. And when making them, I MADE them. Some people bought theirs and just made it their own, well I went all out.

I papermached and duct taped and glued and painted EVERYTHING. I think even though we did totally opposite things, they are both right.

Language Arts and Enlish or classes that require you to have an opinion and a unique perspective. Why be like everybody else. It's fun to branch off and see things differently, that's what opens new doors, and that's how new things are invented all the time, and that's how people become FAMOUS!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blogging...In General

Lately I have been trying to blog more than usual, basically because it's kind of fun. I sent the link to my mom, who in return sent it to just about everybody she knows. She has a prayer email she sends out every morning. And she got this bright idea from someone, I don't know...maybe it was...ME...well, anyways, now she blogs her emails every morning and it's kind of cool. Befor, I didn't know what a blog was, much less, what it did. Now it seems just about everyone is using them. At the moment I have two blogs, and they are really helpful. I can type everything I need to, and let people read them on their own time, rather than me sending them something every few days.

The weird thing is, when you look up the word BLOG, all that it says is

n. a weblog

What in the world does that mean??

The only way to truely understand the concept is to just try it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Break

I had so much fun on Fall Break. We had a few bonfires, a party, camping, did homework, visited family, did more homework. But everything was fun. One day I even babysat for maybe 4 hours and was paid 100 dollars. My mom made me turn in 8 job application. Then we went shopping and had fun with friends. Even though I managed to fit all of this in, it still seemed to go by way too fast.

It seems when there is nothing to do, times seems to last longer, but then you feel as though you have accomplished nothing. But if you do too much, time flies by and you feel hectic and you have too much on your plate.

You have to find that perfect combination of everything in order to make the most of everything. It may take years to find that ine recipie for your life, but it is deffinitly worth it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Halloween Senses

Halloween Senses

Taste the sweet candy
Hear the ghouls cry
See the witches fly
Smell the late of the night
Touch the costume that you wear

Halloween is a time for all
All come fo this time

Young ones taste
and old ones watch
as the many creatures come about
to this one night

Many scream
and some even shout
to having fun is what it is all about

No one shall
gome home empty handed
all shall have at least one

Feel the itchyness or your costume and others'
Softlyy feel the silk
and grab at the mesh
pumpkins have fun
as they stuff their share
in the costume which they wear

Taste the sugary candy
Hear the witch's laugh
See the ghosts haunt
Smell the newness of what you wear
Touch the bed as you fall asleep

For you never know
how many times in one night
each of those senses
will yo your thoughts

Coming Out of the Shell

My mom has always told me I need to come out of my shell more. I have been trying more and more lately. I have been surronding myself with awesome friends who are fun to be around and are deffinitly out of their sjell, I don't even think they had a shell to begin with.

A few weeks ago me and my mom were driving around talking about this and all of sudden I say, "Look, the car is wacing at you.," The rear windo wipers swooshed once on the car in front o0f us. When my mom said that she was like maybe you are are loosing your shell, well maybe it's gettiing thinner.

The only was I know to get out of my shell more is to be myself and not twist myself so much I am uncomfortable.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rainy Ghosts

I have a story for you...
This is a most certainly true story, I give you my word. I do not tell lies, and I am not telling one now. So just listen to my story and believe every word of it, for I witnessed this with mine own two eyes.

Me and my father we on our way home from town one day. It was mid November, the middle of Fall. It was cold and crisp out. We were riding in his old pick up truck that doesn't always go reverse. We were driving down Highway 81. It was dark and cold and soon becan to cloud over. It was common for storms to just arise from nothing in the sky.

We were trying to beat the storm, so we raced home in the rikety truck. We zoomed around corners and skid on wet streets. We started to feel better about everything when the rain began to let up, but then the rain got even harder. It was such a huge downpour, we had to pull over and wait it out. We were sitting there when my dad realized we had stuff in the back of the truck. He needed to go out and check to make sure everything was still there and alright. So he started to get out and go check. He was in the back when I heard my name being called, it was very faint and sharp. I couldn't figure out what it was, but then I heard a knock on my window, as I turned around, I found myseld staring into my dad's eyes. he needed my help with moving some wood in the back. So I hoped out, and immediatly I was soaked, but I decided to have fun with it. I skipped to the tailgate to help.

We soon finished up and headed back around the truck to get in and dry off. My dad had already got in, and just as I began to open the door, I felt a pull on my leg. I looked down to see a hand pulling my leg...just as I'm pulling your leg now!!!


Friday, October 2, 2009


Ghosts, Goules, and Witches
Princesses, Angles, and Faires
Each do their thing
Each say their thing
For all they want is
Sweets and sugars

Candy corn and pumpkin seeds
come second in the wishes
Most costumed kids ask for only one thing
Trick or Treat
Do you have any chocolate?
That is what you better buy
for if you don't
they will move in

The devils and zombies and monsters,too
will come out to haunt you.