Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rainy Ghosts

I have a story for you...
This is a most certainly true story, I give you my word. I do not tell lies, and I am not telling one now. So just listen to my story and believe every word of it, for I witnessed this with mine own two eyes.

Me and my father we on our way home from town one day. It was mid November, the middle of Fall. It was cold and crisp out. We were riding in his old pick up truck that doesn't always go reverse. We were driving down Highway 81. It was dark and cold and soon becan to cloud over. It was common for storms to just arise from nothing in the sky.

We were trying to beat the storm, so we raced home in the rikety truck. We zoomed around corners and skid on wet streets. We started to feel better about everything when the rain began to let up, but then the rain got even harder. It was such a huge downpour, we had to pull over and wait it out. We were sitting there when my dad realized we had stuff in the back of the truck. He needed to go out and check to make sure everything was still there and alright. So he started to get out and go check. He was in the back when I heard my name being called, it was very faint and sharp. I couldn't figure out what it was, but then I heard a knock on my window, as I turned around, I found myseld staring into my dad's eyes. he needed my help with moving some wood in the back. So I hoped out, and immediatly I was soaked, but I decided to have fun with it. I skipped to the tailgate to help.

We soon finished up and headed back around the truck to get in and dry off. My dad had already got in, and just as I began to open the door, I felt a pull on my leg. I looked down to see a hand pulling my leg...just as I'm pulling your leg now!!!


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