Monday, August 31, 2009

A Crazy Day

Don't you just wish you could slow down time. Time these days is just moving way too fast. You have barely any time to do ANYTHING.
Here is what a typical day for me is:
6 hours of schools
4 hours of dance
1 hour of homework
8 hours of sleep
That's 20 hours total...that leave FOUR HOURS for me.

Life is way too short to just have 4 hours here and 4 hours there to be me. Make the most of what you have and stretch your potential.

I have to fit the most I can into those few hours every day- clubs, tv, MEALS, shopping, sewing, studing, and the list goes on and on and on. Live you life to the most!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Reset Button

In life, everyone wants a reset button every once in a while. Like is we totally screw up a test, or say something wrong. I could make a whole list of reasons when I would have killed for it. I would say something that wasn't supposed to be said, I forgot to study, I forgot to do this, or I took a wrong turn, or I blew someone of that what was really important. And the list goes on and on. And even though most poeple would say, "Oh I wish I could change that, I wish I hadn't done that." or "I would do anything to redo it," I would say I wouldn't change a thing about it.

The truth is that I thinl everything I do is what makes me who I am. Every mistake I make may get me in trouble but it halps me learn and everyday I am tweaking myself into a better person.

Mistakes are what makes me...ME!!

...I would continue on and make this longer, but the bell just rang...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Needs to be Right is Completely WRONG!

Class rings came today and I just couldn't wait for lunch so I could pick mine up. I had put so much preperations in it...I want this for side 1 and this for side 2, this colored, this behind the rock, OHH! that looks ugly, get rid of thaat, check to make sure they got my name right...I checked and rechecked the order form. All my payments were on time, EVERYTHING was PERFECT!!!

Or so it seemed. All day I vizualized that big silver ring on my finger. It would be on my left hand, middle finger...well, that's the finger they measured. The guy taking orders told me I wore a size 7. He even took time to write the size on a slip of paper for me so I would know for future reference.

That was that. I handed the deposit over, all while thinking about how perfect it would be.
Today when I picked up the ring, one of my friends was behind me. She told me I couldn't open it until she got hers and we would do it together. We had risked being in the back of the lunch line just to be first in line for our rings.

One...Two...Three...OPEN IT! We both opened it, or well we tried, it took us about 45 seconds to fiqure out how to open the black velvet box. When we opened them we both squealed, then i said, "We both got the same one." And we had. We bothe got the same kind of ring, just with different sides. The ring was beautiful...until I put it on.

I put it on the ring they had was way to small. So I tried another finger, and another, and another, I went through every finger. THe ring would be too small on half of them and two big on the other half. Finally I found a finger were it fit and didn;t hurt, but yet it had too much room, more than a ring needed.

The ring is wonderful, but even through everything I had imagined about it, I hadn't even imagined that this would happen. But even through all the panic attacks of it not fitting one finger after another, everything ended up ok, one finger just barely works. I could get it resized, but that would be just too much work for a ring.

But it's not all about the ring, it's about the memories with it...It doesn't fit, I had a panic attack over it, this side means this, the other side means this...there will be some pretty amazing stories to go with it, no doubt, but not everything can be perfect.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Egyptian Proverb

"Friendship doubles joy and halves grief." -Egyption Proverb

To me this says that only true friends know what it is that makes you happy and how to make you happy. Your friends are the closest people in your life and those are the people you never should lose, because with friends, you have someone to go to when grieving. They will share that grief with you and lighten your load. But when without friends, you have no one to go to. You are left alone with a huge burden and no one around to help lighten it.

Friends are the ones that stick by you no matter what, they are the ones that know you most, sometimes even more than family.

A friend of mine and me have known each other for years, but we haven't been friends the whole time. The first few years we judged each other and told ourselves we would never hang out with someone like that. Then, we ended up on the same gymnastics team and became the best friends you have ever see. We have sleepovers, some of the same classes, we text all the time, give presents, and do whatever we can when there's time. She is always practicing for the next big gymnastics meet and I always have a club meeting or dance practice for the next performance. We never really have any time together anymore. We would always share secrets and ask advice from each other, but since we have such busy schedules I notice becoming gradually harder to ask her advice on certain things. But since we started going to the smae school, it's just as it was before when we were doing gymnastics together.

When we weren't together all the time, I noticed that the burden of keeping certain things to myself, or not being able to ask advice became a huge burden, just as the provern says. When we were together there was so much joy, laughter, and good times, but when we were apart there was grief, burden, and loneliness.

Always keep your friends close that you enjoy being around, because the second they are gone you will feel the burden.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Me and My Grandmother

My family is a wide variety of people. My mom is short with brown eyes and thick hair. My dad is taller with blue eyes and thin hair. But I have to say I am most like my grandmother on my dad's side.

She was 6 foot 2 and the runt of the family. She had big feet and long, thin toes and fingers. She had thick brown hair and was always different from the rest of the family.

I've grown up being told I have boat feet. And I bet if I tried to walk on water I could. My feet are size eleven and at the moment I am taller than both parents and grandparents. My fingers and toes are so long and thin that most gloves and socks won't fit.

I don't really know much about my grandmother other than she died from cancer a few months after I was born. But looking back at pictures of her, we look very much the same.

Since I have no brothers and sisters and my parents are complete opposites, me being in between their personalities, me and my grandmother are most alike and would have made great friends.