Monday, August 24, 2009

Egyptian Proverb

"Friendship doubles joy and halves grief." -Egyption Proverb

To me this says that only true friends know what it is that makes you happy and how to make you happy. Your friends are the closest people in your life and those are the people you never should lose, because with friends, you have someone to go to when grieving. They will share that grief with you and lighten your load. But when without friends, you have no one to go to. You are left alone with a huge burden and no one around to help lighten it.

Friends are the ones that stick by you no matter what, they are the ones that know you most, sometimes even more than family.

A friend of mine and me have known each other for years, but we haven't been friends the whole time. The first few years we judged each other and told ourselves we would never hang out with someone like that. Then, we ended up on the same gymnastics team and became the best friends you have ever see. We have sleepovers, some of the same classes, we text all the time, give presents, and do whatever we can when there's time. She is always practicing for the next big gymnastics meet and I always have a club meeting or dance practice for the next performance. We never really have any time together anymore. We would always share secrets and ask advice from each other, but since we have such busy schedules I notice becoming gradually harder to ask her advice on certain things. But since we started going to the smae school, it's just as it was before when we were doing gymnastics together.

When we weren't together all the time, I noticed that the burden of keeping certain things to myself, or not being able to ask advice became a huge burden, just as the provern says. When we were together there was so much joy, laughter, and good times, but when we were apart there was grief, burden, and loneliness.

Always keep your friends close that you enjoy being around, because the second they are gone you will feel the burden.

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