Thursday, January 28, 2010


Wells no longer work, because of all the water is frozen. Water is frozen everywhere, especially in the lakes. Watermelons are out of season, poor Walter the Watermelon. Wonder who will catch the joke in the previos sentence. Work is all we can do to keep warm or to make money to pay to keep warm. Workers are bundled up as they head off to work. Warmers, or heater, are costing too much and a new one is breaking down each day. Wally-World, aka, Walmart, is the "happening place," you go there for everything at a low, low rate. Wish I could have gone somewhere else rather than try to watse time there yesterday. Would have gone to church then, but it didn't start for another hour. Who is going to actually read this pitiful story, when it doesn'y make any since.

Whether you do or not, have a nice day, anyways!!!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Plee For Snow

I don't want a lot of snow because I don't want to have to go to school in JUne. But I do one one day of snow in order to miss school. I really need to get my blue days and white days back on track. I am supposed to help tour the 8th graders around during second block in about a week. And if it is a blue day I know my teacher won't mind and will let me go. On the other hand, if it's a white day, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that teacher would let me out. She would give us a surprise test just to keep us in there. She hates it when students miss or have to leave in the middle of class. So this is my plee for just one more day of snow and only one more day...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dog's Advice About Life

If I was every to ask a dog for advice about life, well first of all, it means I must be pretty desperate. Well, anyways, I do believe that it wouldn't help me much and it would some pretty weird advice.
Most likely it would be something along the lines of:

Always remember where you bury your bone.

Never do something like steal your master's keys, because anytime after that he loses them, you will be the first place he looks.

Do your business outside, and if you're home alone, do it somewhere where you won't have to smell it for the next few hours.

While sleeping under a blanket, keep a leg or your tail out to ensure you don't get sat on.

Don't lick a human's mouth, they HATE it.

The list of advice could go on forever, but these would be the top picks if you were to ask MY dog, I don't know any other dogs you could ask.

Dog's Advice About Life

If I was every to ask a dog for advice about life, well first of all, it means I must be pretty desperate. Well, anyways, I do believe that it wouldn't help me much and it would some pretty weird advice.
Most likely it would be something along the lines of:

Always remember where you bury your bone.

Never do something like steal your master's keys, because anytime after that he loses them, you will be the first place he looks.

Do your business outside, and if you're home alone, do it somewhere where you won't have to smell it for the next few hours.

While sleeping under a blanket, keep a leg or your tail out to ensure you don't get sat on.

Don't lick a human's mouth, they HATE it.

The list of advice could go on forever, but these would be the top picks if you were to ask MY dog, I don't know any other dogs you could ask.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


As I look at my friends, I notice each one has a trademark. Some always say a certain phrase, do something in particular, or dress a certain way. Everyone has them. I won't name any because I know who all will be reading this. But, it is interesting to look at someone and see what theri trademark is. Some are really weird and some are so common you almost don't notice them. I know people see a lot of them in me. I know of one person in particular with about 5 or so trademarks, but I only notice them because I am around them all day and every day.

It's interesting to see what different things people do.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ugly Words

Those words you hate to say. They twist your tongue and tease your brain. They make you tingle and squirm when you say them.

We all have them and everyone's is different. And some people have the opposite, words they love to say that are pointless.

A few I can think of are:

and the list could go on forever.

And when you try to say them, you just can't


I went skiing the other day, and I was pertrified, I had never been before. To make it worse, as soon as we got there, there were two snowmoblies with stretchers on the back and one had a person wrapped up in a neck brace and leg splint. That really freaked me out.

I started out by spending 30 minutes at the bunny slope and lesson area, which wasn't too bad. But then my friends wanted me to go on the first level of slopes, green circle. To slow down you have to wedge your feet like you are in the splits and I went down the whole way like that, but soon enough I got pretty good. And there were about 3 differetn slopes in that level, and I went down every one of them. Then came the hard part, the ski lift, there is no belt or bar, and I hate heights, so my hands were glued to the armrest and my poles.

After lunch, my friends decided to go to the next level, blue sqaure, so I went through the whole process looking like a chicken trying to fly the whole way down. After a few times I got to be pretty good. The leader of the group said he has no one go down that slope as a beginner before. So I doing pretty well.

Then after and extremly overpriced lunch, we went back down all the slopes. And just as I was about to head in to change, Dakota Coomes wanted to go down the hardest slope, black diamond. I was pretty much screaming in his face no. But he wouldn't give me a choice, we were going down. So I told myself I just had to make it down ONCE. SO I decided to down looking like a chicken trying to fly, and it worked. I didn't even fall.

I do have to admit, I feel good about going down the black diamond slope.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Stress to the Extreme

One of my friends today had to go to an allergy specialist because different parts of her body would swell up and they had no ide. They decided to make everything she uses from soap to detergent to makeup all one type. But they told her it was probably just stress. And she had to learn how to use and epi pen and what it's for. In the end they told her when she stresses she may break out into hives.

She came to school and teachers where giving her a hard time about not getting the homework finished and she didnt want to have to relay personal information like this over to them. So she continued on with her day. Our groups of friends were talking about this and I have come to the conclusion, and I told her this, "So pretty much if you get stressed out, all you have to do is stab yourself in the leg?" And that pretty much all there was to it

I am glad I am not "allergic to stress" but still, that is pretty aweful;. I usually want to hit things and throw things when I get stressed but that is taking it to the extreme. ha ha ha


When I was younger I wasn't ever aloud to say this word. Not even to say I hated some idea. But I remember one day that I was "yelled at" for saying. I wasn't really yelled at, but I got in trouble. This is the only time I rememebr being called out on using the word.

I was really young, like 4 or so, and me and my parents had gotten into a small arguement. Just one of those things you do then move on like nothing had happened. But something in my small brain told me not to stop thinking about it. I dont remember what it was about, but it was probably nothing. I sat and was just thinking about it over and over again, until my imagination had manipulated it into somthing horribe. By that time I was done for. I was going to write them a strongly worded letter. That was my type of pay back then since I knew I didnt want to get into more troube. But, of couse, I couldnt read or write well yet, being only 4. So I had most of it done, when I took it to the top of the family room steps and propped the paper againt the doorway. Then I got my pen ready and yelled; "How do spell hate?" My response was, "H-A- you don't need to use that word, what is it for?" "Nothing" "Let me see." "NO"
By that point I had lost all patience and did the best I could and threw it, it didnt make it that far, but at least it had been sent to my parents. I ran, and I mearan to my room, slammed the door, locked it. I sat in my chair and waited. Waited for the respoonse I would recieves. Guess what, nothing really happened.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


The possibilities for the next 12 months are endless. So many things can happen and will happen. I will turn 17, I will go to prom. I will, also, 1 start senior year and apply to colleges. I know this year will be better than last, but no as good as the next.

But as I said in a previous blog, time seems to speed up as you get older, and I am sure this year will fly by faster then last. So I make sure each minute is well spent and not to lose track of this precious time. That is the most I can do to make this year the best.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 (and Away it Went!)

2009 went way too should have lasted a whole lot longer! I turned 16 in 2009, started junior year, got all A's. It was an amazing year, but still was too fast.

I have heard people say as you get older, time goes by quicker, but I never knew it would be like this.

I think 2010 will probably go even faster and I hope it is better than 2009, but 2009 was pretty good. It will be hard to beat.

Not many big things have happened in the past year, except for those I said at the top, but it seems that everything that has happened has been good. The good to bad ratio is lot better this year than it has in the past.