Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I went skiing the other day, and I was pertrified, I had never been before. To make it worse, as soon as we got there, there were two snowmoblies with stretchers on the back and one had a person wrapped up in a neck brace and leg splint. That really freaked me out.

I started out by spending 30 minutes at the bunny slope and lesson area, which wasn't too bad. But then my friends wanted me to go on the first level of slopes, green circle. To slow down you have to wedge your feet like you are in the splits and I went down the whole way like that, but soon enough I got pretty good. And there were about 3 differetn slopes in that level, and I went down every one of them. Then came the hard part, the ski lift, there is no belt or bar, and I hate heights, so my hands were glued to the armrest and my poles.

After lunch, my friends decided to go to the next level, blue sqaure, so I went through the whole process looking like a chicken trying to fly the whole way down. After a few times I got to be pretty good. The leader of the group said he has no one go down that slope as a beginner before. So I doing pretty well.

Then after and extremly overpriced lunch, we went back down all the slopes. And just as I was about to head in to change, Dakota Coomes wanted to go down the hardest slope, black diamond. I was pretty much screaming in his face no. But he wouldn't give me a choice, we were going down. So I told myself I just had to make it down ONCE. SO I decided to down looking like a chicken trying to fly, and it worked. I didn't even fall.

I do have to admit, I feel good about going down the black diamond slope.

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