Thursday, January 14, 2010


When I was younger I wasn't ever aloud to say this word. Not even to say I hated some idea. But I remember one day that I was "yelled at" for saying. I wasn't really yelled at, but I got in trouble. This is the only time I rememebr being called out on using the word.

I was really young, like 4 or so, and me and my parents had gotten into a small arguement. Just one of those things you do then move on like nothing had happened. But something in my small brain told me not to stop thinking about it. I dont remember what it was about, but it was probably nothing. I sat and was just thinking about it over and over again, until my imagination had manipulated it into somthing horribe. By that time I was done for. I was going to write them a strongly worded letter. That was my type of pay back then since I knew I didnt want to get into more troube. But, of couse, I couldnt read or write well yet, being only 4. So I had most of it done, when I took it to the top of the family room steps and propped the paper againt the doorway. Then I got my pen ready and yelled; "How do spell hate?" My response was, "H-A- you don't need to use that word, what is it for?" "Nothing" "Let me see." "NO"
By that point I had lost all patience and did the best I could and threw it, it didnt make it that far, but at least it had been sent to my parents. I ran, and I mearan to my room, slammed the door, locked it. I sat in my chair and waited. Waited for the respoonse I would recieves. Guess what, nothing really happened.

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