Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shoe Shopping is Therapy

So for Valentine's Day, I had recieved a bag of dark chocolate Doves. I love those things and I ALWAYS read the sayings.

And on one particular one, it said the writer was Satcie from Henderson, KY. So, I continued on to read it and it said.

Shoe shopping is therapy.

And I totally believe in that, but not in an obsessed way, just a fun kind of way. So now the wrapper is on the fridge at home and I read it everyday. The saying has proven to be true. The other day, I was feeling really down, so I kind of just wondered around town till it was time I was supposed to be somewhere, and I found myself at the mall with bbags in my hand full of shoes and dresses. Instantly I felt better. Now dont take me for a perky girl obsessed with shopping, but for someone who uses it to make herself feel better

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

IB Testing

Sooo...we had IB testing today and we have it again tomorrow. I decided to take a new approach to it this test. I knew I had to study, so when we took the practice tests, I studied my little heart out. And I did really well. Then over the past few days I have been looking over those questions and what I did wrong.

These tests are over everything we have learned in the past few years. Now, I know when I try to study really hard before a test I get really stressed out. So this morning I told myself, "I know this, nothing I cram into my head in the next few hours will really matter, I can't learn anything by cramming." So I just tried to relax all morning.

Then at lunch, I told myself "I can't learn anything new in 30 mins when I have been studing two years." So I just tried to relax and eay lunch.

Whn I got to the test, I was really relaxed and it turns out I knew pretty much everyhing (except for ike 1 or 2 big problems that I couldnt figure out the main part) but it wasnt that bad. Now I know I cant do this for every test bc I have been studing this for a while. But now I know for future IB tests how to go about keeping my stress level down.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Been Thinking...

I have been thinking lately...what to do?
What to do with my prom dress? As I was hanging it up after prom, I was thinking about where it could possibly fit in my closet. Then, I thought about everyone else, what do they do with theirs. Because I plan on getting a new one next year, and I don't think Ill need to wear this one what to do?

Do I sell it? But it's way to cute to just wear and sell...
But I dont see myself wearing it anywaer...
What do other people do...I believ Ill just keep it for no, with all my dance costumes in the back of my closet...but Ill have to do something with eventually...maybe Ill just let mom decide.