Tuesday, November 3, 2009


My mom has recently started a blog of her own, and I try to read it as much as possible. There was one blog seh worte that I absolutly LOVE :

Have you ever thought about the decisions you make each day? Each day we are faced with being a conformer or a transformer. Most likely, most of us make a lot of conforming decisions. Then there are those of us that step out and become Transformers. I stand up and applaud these decisions. These are the ones based on our convictions. The things that are important enough to make us want to take a risk. Without Transformers where would we be? These people make a difference, create change, lead the followers, and most of all express themselves with passion. Choose the transformers in your life wisely. Remember that those of us around these people become transformed. This can be a good thing. Put everything to the test. Hold onto what is good. True Transformers come into our lives for a reason. Take the time to get to know them and understand them and you will become a better person because of it.

This blog really made me think about my life. Am I a Transformer or a Conformer? I really had to think about this question. I think I am a little bit of both, but I would really like to try and be a full time Transformer, that is what makes me unique and stand out in the world.

I really can't say any more in the subject, my mom summed it up pretty much. All I have left to add is "Are you a Transformer or a Conformer?"

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