Sunday, September 20, 2009


No, it's not a disease, it's a phobia. I don't this phobia, but a lot of people show symptoms of it. If you have ever gotten butterflies in your stomach when you talk in front of large crowds, you have a symptom of this.

The phobia is of public speaking. Quite a few people are afraid of public speaking but are not to the extreme of being diagnosed.

Today I was to get up in front of the whole congregation and make an announcement. I had to write down exactly what I was going to say or I would forget an important detail. Then I started going around asking if anyone would read it for me. Unfortunately everybody said NO. I couldn't believe it, not one friend would help me out. So I had to face my fear and do it myself.

During the 3rd verse of our last hymn, I rose from my pew in the 4th row and proceeded to the pew in the first row. It was really a short walk, but it seemed like I was walking that never ending hallway in horror movies. Finally I made it to the pew where just as I sat down because I was shaking so hard, I hear my name.

My youth minister, Kurt had apparently already made it to the pulpit and made his announcement and was segwaying into me. I had had no time to prepare and I was shaking all over.

As I made my way up the 3 short steps I kept telling myself it would all be okay, if I messed up, no one would end up hating me or killing me. I could live though this, I WOULD live through this, it was just up to me to start.

I started to read off my script, and I knew I looked like a dork. I was in a childish dress, making an announcement about a clothing closet I was opening, asking for donations, and I was shaking like I was on one of those thigh belt vibrator things from the 50's. I started to talk and I knew I was doomed for failure.

I began talking so slow and soft, but then something came over me, I was talking somewhat normal and you could understand what I was saying. I don't know what happened, but I was suddenly calmed. You still hear a faint quiver in my voice if you listened for it, but nothing major.

Everyone has a way of overcoming their fears. It could be by directly do that thing, going to therapy, simply telling someone, or just avoiding it...kidding about that last one. But take the chance to change you life. Don't let those nasty fears keep you from doing something, go after it and fight them along the way.

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