Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Days Have Gotten Crazier


Earlier I laid out my schedule for you and explained how crazy life can be you if you don't take time to live life. Well no I am going to continue on this with my NEW and even CRAZIER schedule. Here we go...
Monday- Beta Club, 3 1/2 hours of dance, HOMEWORK
Tuesday-Student Coucil, Spanish Club, 3 hours of dance, HOMEWORK
Wednesday- Good EXCEPT church and church dinner at noght
Thursday-CAS hours meeting, FCA, 3 hours of dance, HOMEWORK
Friday-CEC...save the homework for Saturday
Then NHS has to fit in there somewhere!!!!!!!!

Weeks are short and days are even shorter. I try to cram all of these fun things to do in one week, but that's not always possible, somethimes I have to miss a few meetings or practices along the way. And when I do, my sponser, coach, or teacher usually gets mad at me. But that comes with life. It is absolutly NECCESARY for me to do this if I want to succeed in life. You can't just go about life without doing stuff you plan and want to do.

I am not saying for you to give up the things you love doing, just plan around them to do thingd you love too. Make life yours and make you own schedule, not that of friends and family!!

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