Thursday, September 17, 2009

My IB World

So for the IB diploma, I have to keeo a record of CAS hours I do, I wont explain what they are because that would take too long. Well anyways, I have been keeping a written copy of my hours and journaling about the. ThenI decided to make it neat by turning it into a blog.

So now I will do two blogs, one for my thoughts everyday and the other to record my work. Since I dont have computer access everyday, I will be writing it all down and then at the end of each week, typing it ALL out into a blog. So really it seems as though I am keeoing two journals for Ib, then there is this blog, so now it has turned into threee.

But wait...for Girl Scouts...yes, laugh all you want, I am in Girl Scouts, and I am working on my Gold Award. I have already had it approved and now I just have to put my project into action. Well, I have to also keep a journal for that. But the hours I do during that project also go towards IB. so in the end I will be keeping three journals for the same thing. Each one has to be written differently and each one has to be written in EVERYDAY.

Life has these little quirks, and I am not to keen on them. But I must finf away to carry my journals around with me everyday and keep the oragnized, up to date, and I cant have then cross referenced...


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