Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mission Statement

I went to a workshop earlier in the year and they had this worksheet that made a stereotypical mission statement about each person. I was reviewing over mine saying, "This is stupid, like I am ever going to use this!" But really, I started to look over and thought that this may actually be a good idea.

As I was reading over the key things in my life, I read them aloud "family, religion, wealth, friends, having fun." I wanted a cute and fun way of saying it, then I realized what I could do. The all start with F. Well, maybe not those exact words, but if I change some words they do.

Family, Faith, Fortune, Friends, Fun

That was the basis of what I run my life on. Now to add what these mean.

Nothing else other than these are needed.

Family, Faith, Fortune, Friends, Fun, Nothing else needed.

That was it, those few words summarize my life in the best way possible, I can't put it any other way.

This is my life, Those words are my life...Nothing else needed!

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