Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homecoming Nominations

Since I am on Student Council, I have to sit one day during lunch and take Homecoming naminations. There are some really interesting couples chosen, I won't name any though. But I realized that even though I like sitting up there and taking them, I miss the element of surprise.

When you know who's been chosen, it's not as fun to be surpirised when voting.

For example, just while I was working today, I was nominated 6 times, each wuth one of three differetn guys. I am really excited to know I was nominated, but also, now I know who nominated me and it loses that magic when you hear your name called to the office to say to you that you are on the court.

I think it's totally awrsome to be kind of all knowing for that 30 min time period, but it's knid of a downer to know EVERYTHING.

I want to be all knowing about everything except me, if that makes since.

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