Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hey Mom...Haircut

These are kind of what I want:

-the length

-the a line

-the style

Dear Mom...I Mean Santa Claus

Hey Mom, I know you read this everyday, so here are a few SMALL and CHEAP items you can buy!!
ANd if you click on the picture, it becomes bigger and clearer.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Favorite Christmas Decoration

One of my favorite Christmas decorations is the Christmas card. I know that doesn't sound like a decoratoin, but in our house it is. In the house we have this huge entry way on the kitch dining room. When each card comes, we tape it to the frame. Last year we had so many, we moved on to the wall. These decorations usually stay up past the tree and lights. These decorations not only give the house a cool look, but as you walk by you can read what people say, look at pictures if they send any, and just get a sense that poeple care for you and want to show their love during the holidays!

Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays

In a recent poll, when asked what people would rather say, the outcome was obvious:
'Holiday' is better
1% (52 votes)
'Christmas' is better
75% (4053 votes)
Both are fine
23% (1242 votes)
I don't use either
1% (34 votes)

Then, in a recent article, by Mike Straka from Fox News, he talked about everyone having such a controversy over this subject, the states that Jesus wouldn’t care what people say.

My head is spinning over this "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy Holidays" controversy, so I've begun to ask myself, what would Jesus do?
And I've come to my own conclusion. I don't think Jesus Christ would be worried about whether or not Wal-Mart or Kohl's or Macy's is spelling the Dec. 25 holiday "
Christmas" or "Xmas."
I mean, seriously, even His most faithful disciple denied Him three times after The Last Supper, so you'd think He'd be kind of immune to U.S. retail outlets denying His name as well.
More than likely — and this is my Grrr! — Jesus wouldn't care about Xmas.
I don't think He'd care about the whole "Merry Christmas" vs. "Happy
Holidays" ridiculousness year in and year out, and He'd probably be aware that X is the first letter in the Greek word for "Christos." X has been used for thousands of years to abbreviate "Christ." Believe it or not, Wal-Mart didn't invent the term "Xmas."
By Mike Straka

I believe Jesus would care. If people are taking the reason for the season out of the season, they are taking the Christ out of Christmas.

I was reading some articles about this subject recently, and decided to go through the comments to see what people had to say about the topic.
One comment that really stood out to me was:

Doesn't matter what you call it, it's a different holiday for every culture anyway. It's just annoying that the christians think their fairytale baby needs to dominate it all, while it's just another myth of ignorant superstition.
The writer of this comment made of few mistakes: 1) He didn’t capitalize Christians 2) Called it a fairytale 3) Called us ignorant.
Just because we believe in a certain faith doesn’t mean we are wrong. Someone else could prove to be right in the end, but I choose my beliefs, and that is not for others to choose for me. I cam see how some people feel weir and think we are shoving it in their face, but it’s everyone’s own choice.

And the controversy over which saying is more politically correct, that is a fight just waiting to happen. Christians should be able to tell their friend Merry Christmas. And many retailers say that the Happy Holidays saying is so they can bundle all the holidays into one card, but I’m not buying it. Some are taking the reason for the season, out of the season, many times so people will buy the products.

I will always continue to say Merry Christmas!!!! SO… Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


The Holidays just seem to be zooming by this year. It's already just two weeks away and yet I have not been Christmas shopping or caroling once yet. It seems as though we were just celebrating Halloween.

Each year this season seems to get faster and faster. I can only imagine what it will be like as an adult for me.

I wish time could just slow down, maybe even stop for a few days. Just so everyone can have a chande to get in the Christmas spirit before that day goes by and it ends up being Valentine's Day.

I encourage everyone to just stop and think about what exactly they want to do before this holiday comes and goes.

Merry Christmas! And yes, I mean Merry Christmas, not Happy Holidays!!!!!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas

Last time my group drove in Driver's Ed, this really weird song kept playing. But to start out, Destinee was disappointed because all she wanted to do was sing Christmas songs, and none of them had any words. So we just rode in silence. Then the car breaks out in laughter because a song with words cam one. It was the weirdest song. It was about hippos. And even though nobody knew the words, we all attempted to sing along.

I can say we all had a good time.

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
Don't want a doll, no dinky Tinker Toy
I want a hippopotamus to play with and enjoy
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
I don't think Santa Claus will mind, do you?
He won't have to use our dirty chimney flue
Just bring him through the front door,that's the easy thing to do
I can see me now on Christmas morning,creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprisewhen I open up my eyesto see a hippo hero standing there
I want a hippopotamus for ChristmasOnly a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles, no rhinoceroses
I only like hippopotamuses
And hippopotamuses like me too
Mom says the hippo would eat me up, but then
Teacher says a hippo is a vegeterian
There's lots of room for him in our two-car garage
I'd feed him there and wash him there and give him his massage
I can see me now on Christmas morning,creeping down the stairs
Oh what joy and what surprise when I open up my eyesto see a hippo hero standing there
I want a hippopotamus for Christmas
Only a hippopotamus will do
No crocodiles or rhinoceroseses
I only like hippopotamuseses
And hippopotamuses like me too!

And the song was sung as a female solo, that sounded like a young girl from the 80's with her nose all stopped up.
But oh well, we all had a good time.

Monday, November 30, 2009


I had so much food. I have been dieting before and lost quite a bit of weight. Well, just to let you know, I gained every pound back last weekend. if you are going to pig out, at least keep that in mind while eating the other meals that day...and exercise your butt off.

I am pretty sure everyone had a good time with the eating and shopping. And we all have something to be thankful for. I am thankful for my friends and family . But I am more thankful for the OPPERTUNITY to get together to celebrate. In many other places people are not allowed to celebrate this holidya, or are in such poverty they can not afoor the food and get togethers. but the celebration is not in the food, but rather in the thought. To be thankful for something, you do not have show or tell everyone, all you have to do is know it and believe in it.

To show your thankfulness, just tell someone "Good Day" or "I love you," the point is made clear enough with just a few simple words.

Even if you did not celbrate that day, you can show it today. I encourage everyone to show the world in some way what you are thankful for. it doesn't have to be a huge thing, but just a few simple words.

Have an Awesome Day!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Yay Yay Yay

I have really been wanting to paint my room lately and I was telling my mom a few weeks ago and she said "actually, you can.' I was totally freaked out, I thought she was jujst kidding, but I really get too. i get to design every wall anyway I want it, but I have to paint it. But that's ok because I love to apint. Each wall is going to be different, with its own design, it is going to be soo cool.

The only thing I have to do is do two full weeks without missing a single chores...and I am alreadya week and a half into it. i am hoping on getting the paint this Friday. The only hard part is having my room cleaned out and ready to go by then...but I can't believe I actually get to do this and it's so close from now

yay yay yay

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I've Got A Funny Story for You

So, back to the job hunting stories I have been telling. I have a particularly funny one for you. It was while we were at the mall. You never know who you might run into there. Well, anyways, me and my mom were on our way out, and we see the Santa's pictures being set up. We were goofing around by saying I should become an elf and work as Santa's little helper. I think that would actaully be a pretty cool job. But right acroos the way from that is the ice cream shop in the mall. The ice cream is really good there so I thought that would be a perfect place to work.
Well now I am going to leave this story and come back to it later. There is another story that goes along with this. And you must know both in order to laugh in the end. So when my mom's office first opened, therewas this one janitor that never seemed to know what to do. She spoke very little English, and it was her custom to never throw ANYTHING away, even stuff in our trash cans. So she was getting to be a little bit of a nusance, you can only hold so much. They gave her time and tips here and there. But, eventually, they had to let her go. She wasn't happy about it, but she wasn't exact;y mad about it. Just a little annoyed because she wanted another chance.
Well, now to tie the two stories together...
We started to walk by the ice cream store and my my started to say, " Hey, how about working at Scoops, it looks...." and that was it. She just cut off, and when I realized it I looked over to see what it was. There was that same lady they had fired manning the place all by herself. She was on the phone, but I am preety sure she looked up and saw us. So, then I asked, "Isn;t that the lady---" My mom has cut me off again. All I got was a "Shutup" and we kept walking. Once we were far enough away we talked about how funny it was and started laughing.

More Job Hunting

Wish me luck, because with no luck in the past, my feels as though I am not truely looking. So I told her one day that many of my friends had gotten jobs in the mall, you know what she does?


So I am basiclly on a quest, I go in one store and get an application. No problem, I could get a few and then be on my way to such luck. After a few I ask if we can leave...I get absolutly shy and nervous and embarassed when it comes to these things...she said NO.

My new quest to get 3 more applications on top of what I had already gotten.

I head into one store, nope, you have to 18. So I head to another, you have to be 18 there also. I try two more stores and get the same response. But at the last one the lady gave me a tip and rattled off 3 stores that were hiring and hire at age 16. I was in luck. My mom was waiting outside the store and when I came out I only told her the bad news. I didn't want to ruin the surprise, so I told her I was never going to get through this. So she sat down at a table and said, "Come get when when you have three PEICES OF PAPER in your hand," internet ones apparently didn'y count. So I immediatly went into the 3 stores and got them and then came back.

So now I have a new quest. I have to have all of these filled out and returned ny tomorrow evening. I need some more luck!!

The places I am soon to be applied at are

Payless Shoes-I hate shoes, people, and feet. Well I LOVE shoes, but only the ones on my feet.
Maurices- IDK how in the world you spell it, or even say it...but I love the clothes.
Rue 21- I could LIVE in that store- I will probably spend my paycheck before I get it if I go there.
Hallmark- It's pretty laid back- I could do that

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


In the past few weeks I have done so many tasks to get a job. I need one as soon as possible in order to buy things. My mom decided not to buy me anymore non-neccesities and make me get a job and pay for them myself. I thought that would actually be a good thing, and I LOVE money.

The only problem, I am shy, and no one has hired me. To have a job is better (and easier) said than done.

So far I have applied at
Factory Card Outlet
Chick fil a

and I have had two interviews

you would think will all these places, at least one would call me back with good news, but no such luck.

I continue the journey to find a job, and hopefully it has a good ending.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


My mom has recently started a blog of her own, and I try to read it as much as possible. There was one blog seh worte that I absolutly LOVE :

Have you ever thought about the decisions you make each day? Each day we are faced with being a conformer or a transformer. Most likely, most of us make a lot of conforming decisions. Then there are those of us that step out and become Transformers. I stand up and applaud these decisions. These are the ones based on our convictions. The things that are important enough to make us want to take a risk. Without Transformers where would we be? These people make a difference, create change, lead the followers, and most of all express themselves with passion. Choose the transformers in your life wisely. Remember that those of us around these people become transformed. This can be a good thing. Put everything to the test. Hold onto what is good. True Transformers come into our lives for a reason. Take the time to get to know them and understand them and you will become a better person because of it.

This blog really made me think about my life. Am I a Transformer or a Conformer? I really had to think about this question. I think I am a little bit of both, but I would really like to try and be a full time Transformer, that is what makes me unique and stand out in the world.

I really can't say any more in the subject, my mom summed it up pretty much. All I have left to add is "Are you a Transformer or a Conformer?"

Monday, November 2, 2009

What a Tangled Web I have Weaved

You know when you say one thing, everybody sees it as another, but everybodies is different? Well, that's kind of a BAD thing.

At the moment, everybody thinks I do certain things, not bad things, just things I don't see myself doing ( I'm not the spontaneous kind of person, and I don't take risks, let's just put them that way). But it all started because I told one person who told another then another and me words got tangled.

But I'm not just talking about little things here and there, I'm talking about everything!!

Everything seems to percieve it differently and then when they tell someone, they percieve it differently too. I think this is one major reason we have cliques and fights in school. No one's true feeling are ever know. It is up to that person to express themselves to others in their own and true way.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

A New Perspective

Our class was asked to make a few projects for the book we are reading. My projects took me all Fall Break to complete, but it was well worth it. One option was to make props pertaining to the book, make them or buy them, and write about them.

EVERYBODY did props then are IN the book. Well, me, not ever doing the right thing, decided to take it to next level. I made projects that symbolize something in the book. All morning poeple have been telling me that is wrong. The paper never stated which to do, and it is a prop, but it is a SYMBOLIC prop. And when making them, I MADE them. Some people bought theirs and just made it their own, well I went all out.

I papermached and duct taped and glued and painted EVERYTHING. I think even though we did totally opposite things, they are both right.

Language Arts and Enlish or classes that require you to have an opinion and a unique perspective. Why be like everybody else. It's fun to branch off and see things differently, that's what opens new doors, and that's how new things are invented all the time, and that's how people become FAMOUS!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Blogging...In General

Lately I have been trying to blog more than usual, basically because it's kind of fun. I sent the link to my mom, who in return sent it to just about everybody she knows. She has a prayer email she sends out every morning. And she got this bright idea from someone, I don't know...maybe it was...ME...well, anyways, now she blogs her emails every morning and it's kind of cool. Befor, I didn't know what a blog was, much less, what it did. Now it seems just about everyone is using them. At the moment I have two blogs, and they are really helpful. I can type everything I need to, and let people read them on their own time, rather than me sending them something every few days.

The weird thing is, when you look up the word BLOG, all that it says is

n. a weblog

What in the world does that mean??

The only way to truely understand the concept is to just try it.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Break

I had so much fun on Fall Break. We had a few bonfires, a party, camping, did homework, visited family, did more homework. But everything was fun. One day I even babysat for maybe 4 hours and was paid 100 dollars. My mom made me turn in 8 job application. Then we went shopping and had fun with friends. Even though I managed to fit all of this in, it still seemed to go by way too fast.

It seems when there is nothing to do, times seems to last longer, but then you feel as though you have accomplished nothing. But if you do too much, time flies by and you feel hectic and you have too much on your plate.

You have to find that perfect combination of everything in order to make the most of everything. It may take years to find that ine recipie for your life, but it is deffinitly worth it.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Halloween Senses

Halloween Senses

Taste the sweet candy
Hear the ghouls cry
See the witches fly
Smell the late of the night
Touch the costume that you wear

Halloween is a time for all
All come fo this time

Young ones taste
and old ones watch
as the many creatures come about
to this one night

Many scream
and some even shout
to having fun is what it is all about

No one shall
gome home empty handed
all shall have at least one

Feel the itchyness or your costume and others'
Softlyy feel the silk
and grab at the mesh
pumpkins have fun
as they stuff their share
in the costume which they wear

Taste the sugary candy
Hear the witch's laugh
See the ghosts haunt
Smell the newness of what you wear
Touch the bed as you fall asleep

For you never know
how many times in one night
each of those senses
will yo your thoughts

Coming Out of the Shell

My mom has always told me I need to come out of my shell more. I have been trying more and more lately. I have been surronding myself with awesome friends who are fun to be around and are deffinitly out of their sjell, I don't even think they had a shell to begin with.

A few weeks ago me and my mom were driving around talking about this and all of sudden I say, "Look, the car is wacing at you.," The rear windo wipers swooshed once on the car in front o0f us. When my mom said that she was like maybe you are are loosing your shell, well maybe it's gettiing thinner.

The only was I know to get out of my shell more is to be myself and not twist myself so much I am uncomfortable.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Rainy Ghosts

I have a story for you...
This is a most certainly true story, I give you my word. I do not tell lies, and I am not telling one now. So just listen to my story and believe every word of it, for I witnessed this with mine own two eyes.

Me and my father we on our way home from town one day. It was mid November, the middle of Fall. It was cold and crisp out. We were riding in his old pick up truck that doesn't always go reverse. We were driving down Highway 81. It was dark and cold and soon becan to cloud over. It was common for storms to just arise from nothing in the sky.

We were trying to beat the storm, so we raced home in the rikety truck. We zoomed around corners and skid on wet streets. We started to feel better about everything when the rain began to let up, but then the rain got even harder. It was such a huge downpour, we had to pull over and wait it out. We were sitting there when my dad realized we had stuff in the back of the truck. He needed to go out and check to make sure everything was still there and alright. So he started to get out and go check. He was in the back when I heard my name being called, it was very faint and sharp. I couldn't figure out what it was, but then I heard a knock on my window, as I turned around, I found myseld staring into my dad's eyes. he needed my help with moving some wood in the back. So I hoped out, and immediatly I was soaked, but I decided to have fun with it. I skipped to the tailgate to help.

We soon finished up and headed back around the truck to get in and dry off. My dad had already got in, and just as I began to open the door, I felt a pull on my leg. I looked down to see a hand pulling my leg...just as I'm pulling your leg now!!!


Friday, October 2, 2009


Ghosts, Goules, and Witches
Princesses, Angles, and Faires
Each do their thing
Each say their thing
For all they want is
Sweets and sugars

Candy corn and pumpkin seeds
come second in the wishes
Most costumed kids ask for only one thing
Trick or Treat
Do you have any chocolate?
That is what you better buy
for if you don't
they will move in

The devils and zombies and monsters,too
will come out to haunt you.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Homecoming Nominations

Since I am on Student Council, I have to sit one day during lunch and take Homecoming naminations. There are some really interesting couples chosen, I won't name any though. But I realized that even though I like sitting up there and taking them, I miss the element of surprise.

When you know who's been chosen, it's not as fun to be surpirised when voting.

For example, just while I was working today, I was nominated 6 times, each wuth one of three differetn guys. I am really excited to know I was nominated, but also, now I know who nominated me and it loses that magic when you hear your name called to the office to say to you that you are on the court.

I think it's totally awrsome to be kind of all knowing for that 30 min time period, but it's knid of a downer to know EVERYTHING.

I want to be all knowing about everything except me, if that makes since.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

En Pointe

I have started taking pointe this year and it seems so fun. I get to dance around in pink shoes doing turns and jumps and then there is ribbon tied up my leg. The thought is so beautiful and so are the shoes.

Well the name tells you everything, pointe, that's pretty much what it is. You toes are always pointed and when you go up on your toes, you are ON your toes. They don't tell you that one peice of vital information because they think they will scare you out of taking the class. In the toes of the shoe is a peice of concrete, and yes, that is what you stand on. You stand on your toes in the shoe on top of a piece of concrete. That sounds lovelt, doesn't it? NO. It's the worset kind of pain possible, and then you get blisters, which turn into rips. Then you find out the bottom of the shoe is wooden and curves, so your arches ache. It's not fun...

Well, it's not fun until you buy pads. Toe pads, that is. Mine are hot pink, with a nude slip on top. You can get them in any color imaginable. They are these cent. thick gel pads that wrap around your toes, then when you stand, it doesn't hurt, least not as bad. But, if you like me, you can sneak in an extra pad so you can't fell ANYTHING.

There really is no POINTE to this blog, other than it is my DAILY THOUGHT...

Sunday, September 20, 2009


No, it's not a disease, it's a phobia. I don't this phobia, but a lot of people show symptoms of it. If you have ever gotten butterflies in your stomach when you talk in front of large crowds, you have a symptom of this.

The phobia is of public speaking. Quite a few people are afraid of public speaking but are not to the extreme of being diagnosed.

Today I was to get up in front of the whole congregation and make an announcement. I had to write down exactly what I was going to say or I would forget an important detail. Then I started going around asking if anyone would read it for me. Unfortunately everybody said NO. I couldn't believe it, not one friend would help me out. So I had to face my fear and do it myself.

During the 3rd verse of our last hymn, I rose from my pew in the 4th row and proceeded to the pew in the first row. It was really a short walk, but it seemed like I was walking that never ending hallway in horror movies. Finally I made it to the pew where just as I sat down because I was shaking so hard, I hear my name.

My youth minister, Kurt had apparently already made it to the pulpit and made his announcement and was segwaying into me. I had had no time to prepare and I was shaking all over.

As I made my way up the 3 short steps I kept telling myself it would all be okay, if I messed up, no one would end up hating me or killing me. I could live though this, I WOULD live through this, it was just up to me to start.

I started to read off my script, and I knew I looked like a dork. I was in a childish dress, making an announcement about a clothing closet I was opening, asking for donations, and I was shaking like I was on one of those thigh belt vibrator things from the 50's. I started to talk and I knew I was doomed for failure.

I began talking so slow and soft, but then something came over me, I was talking somewhat normal and you could understand what I was saying. I don't know what happened, but I was suddenly calmed. You still hear a faint quiver in my voice if you listened for it, but nothing major.

Everyone has a way of overcoming their fears. It could be by directly do that thing, going to therapy, simply telling someone, or just avoiding it...kidding about that last one. But take the chance to change you life. Don't let those nasty fears keep you from doing something, go after it and fight them along the way.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Would you rather fight with diginity or to surrender in shame?

I would like to fight with dignity, because then you have hope. You may not win, but you still have that small amount of hope. If you were to just surrender, you would be looked down upon. But if you were to LOSE, you would be acknowledged for giving your best.

Hope is what makes me continue. If something proves to be hard, I continue on as long as there is hope. That hope may be so small that only I can see it, but that is enough for motivation.

Small hope grows into something bigger because when you do succeed, you know you have traveled down a longer path than if you KNEW you would succeed from the start.

You gain more dignity if you grow more along the way. If you knew you would win, and then did, you would be shortly praised because you only did a small amount of work. But if you had to give it your all and do a lot of work to achieve something, you would be greatly praised for you had to sacrifice a lot along the way.

As long as there is a sliver of hope, there is dignity in whatever you chose to do.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My IB World

So for the IB diploma, I have to keeo a record of CAS hours I do, I wont explain what they are because that would take too long. Well anyways, I have been keeping a written copy of my hours and journaling about the. ThenI decided to make it neat by turning it into a blog.

So now I will do two blogs, one for my thoughts everyday and the other to record my work. Since I dont have computer access everyday, I will be writing it all down and then at the end of each week, typing it ALL out into a blog. So really it seems as though I am keeoing two journals for Ib, then there is this blog, so now it has turned into threee.

But wait...for Girl Scouts...yes, laugh all you want, I am in Girl Scouts, and I am working on my Gold Award. I have already had it approved and now I just have to put my project into action. Well, I have to also keep a journal for that. But the hours I do during that project also go towards IB. so in the end I will be keeping three journals for the same thing. Each one has to be written differently and each one has to be written in EVERYDAY.

Life has these little quirks, and I am not to keen on them. But I must finf away to carry my journals around with me everyday and keep the oragnized, up to date, and I cant have then cross referenced...


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Addiction to Green

Everyone is saying they want more money. Or they say that if they had one wish they would wish for a million dollars. But if you think about that, I bet you can think of other things to wish for.

More would be a pretty cool thing to have, but you get a little, you still are always going to want more. You can never have enough. Sure, some people may NEED more money, but most people just WANT more money. There is no doubt about it.

I find myself thinking about what I would do with a thousand or 10 thousand dollars. But I am just fine with what I have. If I was to aqquire that a legal way of corse...I would end up just wanting more, thus leading to "addiction to green" and in the end making me unhealthy in numerous ways.
Money can be considered the source of all evil, I won't go to that extreme of the matter. But it does pose problems in the world. I WOULD say money is almost ar coruptive as alcohol. I am not saying I am for socialism, but people need to learn some values in life to live by...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Everyone seems to be getting sick around this time, and I, unfortunately, am one of them.
Just a few short days ago I came down with bronchitis. Before I go on to the story, let me tell you what I have to do because of this. I have to have 150 ounces liquid daily, 3 pills at every meal, cough syrup 3 times a day, 3 advil 2 times a day. I have lost my appetite completely and now have lost 7 pounds over 3 days. The past few weeks I have been on a healthy eating diet to become healthier because of dance. I thought I could lose a few pounds for Nutcracker. But all it really took was getting sick.

Well anyways, I have been coughing so much, I have to drink water from coughing, and now I have to go to the bathroom 3 times every class. I think I finally know what it feels like to drown...

Well yesterday I was feeling better, so I decided I would go to dance practice, and it is the first week of practice, so I should probably go. I do just fine through ballet, even bette in tap, but then I hit a bump in the road. I go to jazz, and we workout. That was not the best idea. I started coughing again, and with every turn I had to sneeze. Then today I end up coughing and sneezing worse than before.

Every single one of my friends is afraid to come around because I cough, and if I cough too much I get sick. This whole viral infection is horrible.

Then because of all the sneezing, my nose is raw. Because of all the coughing, my throat is raw. Then because of all that together, allergies affected my eyes and I cant wear contact because my eyes are too itchy. Well, I keep rubbing my eyes and now my right eyelid is dry and hurts. Then because I cough more now, I pulled a muscle in my right rib cage, worse pain EVER!!

A couple of centuries ago you hear people pass blankets covered in chicken pox, well I think next we should use bronchitis, it will definitely make the enemy suffer so much more before they die.

All I have to say during this whole experience, "Keep my friends close, and my enemies closer..." to make them sick too...ha ha ha!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mission Statement

I went to a workshop earlier in the year and they had this worksheet that made a stereotypical mission statement about each person. I was reviewing over mine saying, "This is stupid, like I am ever going to use this!" But really, I started to look over and thought that this may actually be a good idea.

As I was reading over the key things in my life, I read them aloud "family, religion, wealth, friends, having fun." I wanted a cute and fun way of saying it, then I realized what I could do. The all start with F. Well, maybe not those exact words, but if I change some words they do.

Family, Faith, Fortune, Friends, Fun

That was the basis of what I run my life on. Now to add what these mean.

Nothing else other than these are needed.

Family, Faith, Fortune, Friends, Fun, Nothing else needed.

That was it, those few words summarize my life in the best way possible, I can't put it any other way.

This is my life, Those words are my life...Nothing else needed!


Laughter is all around.

When one of my friends begins to laugh, then so do I, and then they laugh even so contagiuos. No matter where you are, you will always here a laugh. It is what makes life enjoyable.

When you have a bad day, you are told to laugh it off. Well in life, when you make mistakes, just laugh it off, there is really nothing else you can do.

When you laugh, you seem to forget everything else around you, and once you start, there is no stopping!
Sorry that the picture is sideways, I can't figure out how to fix it.
but the point is a true and happy laughter can't be caught in a picture. In this picture I was laughing so hard becuase the photographer wanted me to do some pretty crazy was my uncle... and he would show me what to do, but watching him do made me laugh so hard, then he was laughing, then my mom, and before you know it, everybody was. We had set aside our differences and enjoyed those few moments together. Laughing unifies people in a way you could never know about if you never tried.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

My Days Have Gotten Crazier


Earlier I laid out my schedule for you and explained how crazy life can be you if you don't take time to live life. Well no I am going to continue on this with my NEW and even CRAZIER schedule. Here we go...
Monday- Beta Club, 3 1/2 hours of dance, HOMEWORK
Tuesday-Student Coucil, Spanish Club, 3 hours of dance, HOMEWORK
Wednesday- Good EXCEPT church and church dinner at noght
Thursday-CAS hours meeting, FCA, 3 hours of dance, HOMEWORK the homework for Saturday
Then NHS has to fit in there somewhere!!!!!!!!

Weeks are short and days are even shorter. I try to cram all of these fun things to do in one week, but that's not always possible, somethimes I have to miss a few meetings or practices along the way. And when I do, my sponser, coach, or teacher usually gets mad at me. But that comes with life. It is absolutly NECCESARY for me to do this if I want to succeed in life. You can't just go about life without doing stuff you plan and want to do.

I am not saying for you to give up the things you love doing, just plan around them to do thingd you love too. Make life yours and make you own schedule, not that of friends and family!!

My Days Have Gotten Crazier


Earlier I laid out my schedule for you and explained how crazy life can be you if you don't take time to live life. Well no I am going to continue on this with my NEW and even CRAZIER schedule. Here we go...
Monday- Beta Club, 3 1/2 hours of dance, HOMEWORK
Tuesday-Student Coucil, Spanish Club, 3 hours of dance, HOMEWORK
Wednesday- Good EXCEPT church and church dinner at noght
Thursday-CAS hours meeting, FCA, 3 hours of dance, HOMEWORK the homework for Saturday
Then NHS has to fit in there somewhere!!!!!!!!

Weeks are short and days are even shorter. I try to cram all of these fun things to do in one week, but that's not always possible, somethimes I have to miss a few meetings or practices along the way. And when I do, my sponser, coach, or teacher usually gets mad at me. But that comes with life. It is absolutly NECCESARY for me to do this if I want to succeed in life. You can't just go about life without doing stuff you plan and want to do.

I am not saying for you to give up the things you love doing, just plan around them to do thingd you love too. Make life yours and make you own schedule, not that of friends and family!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Home Is Where It All Is

I repeat this word over and over again in my mind. Home is where it all starts, home is where it all ends, home is where it all IS.

No matter what mistakes you make, or wrong turns you take, you are always welcome at home.

If I feel bad or have no one to talk to I always make my way home and in no time everything is all right.

I know I am NOT ready to leave home, even for college. I have even picked a somewhat close college to home. I can never leave it, I never could leave it, I never WILL leave it. It is everything I know and love.

But home isn't just the place you grew up and know, it's also those close to you, the places you love to go. It's the things in your life you could NEVER replace!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Life is a Novel

Life represents a novel more often than novels resemble life. -George Sand-

During life there are so many ups and downs, climaxes and conflicts. It tends to follow the path of a novel.

The exposition is where your parents come into play and your birth. Then there is the rising acton, you first few years, as you grow into a young lady or gentleman. But all throughout life are climaxes.

Some climaxes are loosing your first tooth, first kiss, getting married, going on vacation to Rome, all throughout life are climaxes. Each one followed by a falling acton where that memory is clear in your thoughts and dreams.

Also in life are many conflicts such as money troubles, car wreck, broken bone, death in the family, all those horriblr things you want to forget as soon as possible.

Then in your old age comes the resolution. As you age and become more and more frail, you usually lose all your wonderful memories you once knew so well. I am not talking about memory loss, but rather each day you are farther and farther away from those special days.

The novel won't end until you do and the is what is so wonderful about it. All the amazing climaxes and horrible conflicts and wonderful memories won't end until you make them end.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A Crazy Day

Don't you just wish you could slow down time. Time these days is just moving way too fast. You have barely any time to do ANYTHING.
Here is what a typical day for me is:
6 hours of schools
4 hours of dance
1 hour of homework
8 hours of sleep
That's 20 hours total...that leave FOUR HOURS for me.

Life is way too short to just have 4 hours here and 4 hours there to be me. Make the most of what you have and stretch your potential.

I have to fit the most I can into those few hours every day- clubs, tv, MEALS, shopping, sewing, studing, and the list goes on and on and on. Live you life to the most!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Reset Button

In life, everyone wants a reset button every once in a while. Like is we totally screw up a test, or say something wrong. I could make a whole list of reasons when I would have killed for it. I would say something that wasn't supposed to be said, I forgot to study, I forgot to do this, or I took a wrong turn, or I blew someone of that what was really important. And the list goes on and on. And even though most poeple would say, "Oh I wish I could change that, I wish I hadn't done that." or "I would do anything to redo it," I would say I wouldn't change a thing about it.

The truth is that I thinl everything I do is what makes me who I am. Every mistake I make may get me in trouble but it halps me learn and everyday I am tweaking myself into a better person.

Mistakes are what makes me...ME!!

...I would continue on and make this longer, but the bell just rang...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

What Needs to be Right is Completely WRONG!

Class rings came today and I just couldn't wait for lunch so I could pick mine up. I had put so much preperations in it...I want this for side 1 and this for side 2, this colored, this behind the rock, OHH! that looks ugly, get rid of thaat, check to make sure they got my name right...I checked and rechecked the order form. All my payments were on time, EVERYTHING was PERFECT!!!

Or so it seemed. All day I vizualized that big silver ring on my finger. It would be on my left hand, middle finger...well, that's the finger they measured. The guy taking orders told me I wore a size 7. He even took time to write the size on a slip of paper for me so I would know for future reference.

That was that. I handed the deposit over, all while thinking about how perfect it would be.
Today when I picked up the ring, one of my friends was behind me. She told me I couldn't open it until she got hers and we would do it together. We had risked being in the back of the lunch line just to be first in line for our rings.

One...Two...Three...OPEN IT! We both opened it, or well we tried, it took us about 45 seconds to fiqure out how to open the black velvet box. When we opened them we both squealed, then i said, "We both got the same one." And we had. We bothe got the same kind of ring, just with different sides. The ring was beautiful...until I put it on.

I put it on the ring they had was way to small. So I tried another finger, and another, and another, I went through every finger. THe ring would be too small on half of them and two big on the other half. Finally I found a finger were it fit and didn;t hurt, but yet it had too much room, more than a ring needed.

The ring is wonderful, but even through everything I had imagined about it, I hadn't even imagined that this would happen. But even through all the panic attacks of it not fitting one finger after another, everything ended up ok, one finger just barely works. I could get it resized, but that would be just too much work for a ring.

But it's not all about the ring, it's about the memories with it...It doesn't fit, I had a panic attack over it, this side means this, the other side means this...there will be some pretty amazing stories to go with it, no doubt, but not everything can be perfect.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Egyptian Proverb

"Friendship doubles joy and halves grief." -Egyption Proverb

To me this says that only true friends know what it is that makes you happy and how to make you happy. Your friends are the closest people in your life and those are the people you never should lose, because with friends, you have someone to go to when grieving. They will share that grief with you and lighten your load. But when without friends, you have no one to go to. You are left alone with a huge burden and no one around to help lighten it.

Friends are the ones that stick by you no matter what, they are the ones that know you most, sometimes even more than family.

A friend of mine and me have known each other for years, but we haven't been friends the whole time. The first few years we judged each other and told ourselves we would never hang out with someone like that. Then, we ended up on the same gymnastics team and became the best friends you have ever see. We have sleepovers, some of the same classes, we text all the time, give presents, and do whatever we can when there's time. She is always practicing for the next big gymnastics meet and I always have a club meeting or dance practice for the next performance. We never really have any time together anymore. We would always share secrets and ask advice from each other, but since we have such busy schedules I notice becoming gradually harder to ask her advice on certain things. But since we started going to the smae school, it's just as it was before when we were doing gymnastics together.

When we weren't together all the time, I noticed that the burden of keeping certain things to myself, or not being able to ask advice became a huge burden, just as the provern says. When we were together there was so much joy, laughter, and good times, but when we were apart there was grief, burden, and loneliness.

Always keep your friends close that you enjoy being around, because the second they are gone you will feel the burden.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Me and My Grandmother

My family is a wide variety of people. My mom is short with brown eyes and thick hair. My dad is taller with blue eyes and thin hair. But I have to say I am most like my grandmother on my dad's side.

She was 6 foot 2 and the runt of the family. She had big feet and long, thin toes and fingers. She had thick brown hair and was always different from the rest of the family.

I've grown up being told I have boat feet. And I bet if I tried to walk on water I could. My feet are size eleven and at the moment I am taller than both parents and grandparents. My fingers and toes are so long and thin that most gloves and socks won't fit.

I don't really know much about my grandmother other than she died from cancer a few months after I was born. But looking back at pictures of her, we look very much the same.

Since I have no brothers and sisters and my parents are complete opposites, me being in between their personalities, me and my grandmother are most alike and would have made great friends.